Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The first impression of America

This would be my first time in the USA.I was anxious, also excited,and now I'm safe in YALE.
My first impression is about the architecture, because it just seems like the European style. I can find Gothic buildings everywhere which is so different from NYC. By the way, the wide clean road and the fresh air makes me feel so pleasant; the low-speed, calm and quiet atmosphere here just havens me from the pressure and noises of Shanghai, and maybe that's the reason why it's called New Haven.
THE STREET - taken on the first day when I arrived in YALE

Also, the food here surprises me a lot because of the variety: pizza, waffle, salad, beef and so on. What impresses me most is here we fetch food by ourselves just like buffet, on the contrary we need to order food in my university. But sadly I cannot find tasty rice and noodles here which causes me feel a little homesick.
The awesome waffle made by myself

And we know that now the USA is the most powerful country in the world, and NYC is the economic center of the world. Though for now I haven't been to NYC, I will try to get to NYC! See if it's the same as what the SEX & CITY shows.

My last impression is that the people here is so nice! They usually smile to you even if you are just a passerby, and everyone here is so warmhearted that makes you feel not alone. For example, on the first day I came here, I can not find the dining hall in my college, so I asked a girl to point out the way to the dining hall but she just said "Follow me, I will show you", and led me to the destination.  That made me feel extremely flattered. How nice she was! This kind of thing would never happen in China!
The dining hall in Morse college

So, what will happen in the next 5 weeks?
- Who knows? We shall see as time passes by.

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