Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bye! See you! Goodbye!

The final day is coming and eventually it will be the time to say goodbye. In one month, we have experienced so much including the cities, foods and the friends from all around the world.

In these 7 weeks, we went through expectation, curiosity, and also sorrow and anxiety. The first opinion I would like to share with you is about COMPETITION between China and the USA.
There were so many different examples which surprised me a lot. For instance, the scavenger hunt which didn't have any prize for the winner group, though we tried every means to be the winner. In addition, the game in Siggy's class was that when Siggy read a story about "Mr right and Mrs right" and we passed candies to the person on the right or left when we heard these two words. However it turned out the owner of the candies depended on when the story ended. For a Chinese student, it's too strange to understand these rules, because we are used to believe that the winner should be the one who beats others and also gains marvelous awards.
And also, there's no score or any tags like BEST WORK here. The teachers all regard every piece of work as an unique style and they tell the reason behind their comments.

Another idea that impresses me most is "Do not regard a strange thing as 'Strange', whereas you should ask 'why it's strange to you'." This summer I have the chance to confront so many different cultures. Although I was still uncomfortable when a guy I just met a few seconds before hugged me when he was saying goodbye. I understand that act is to show kindness and let others know that they enjoy the conversation. Another interesting thing was that I made my Indian friend pinky-swear that we would go to Boston together. She laughed out loud and told me that in India this gesture meant " We are not friend any more."
This idea also reminds me of a wonderful sentence from a movie.

I think we can't go around
measuring our goodness
by what we don't do.
By what we deny ourselves,
what we resist and who we exclude.

I think we've got
to measure goodness
by what we embrace
what we create
and who we include.

For me, the sea I think is the best symbolization for these words. At the edge of the sea, it combines with the sky. Beneath the peaceful sea surface are the unseen waves producing.

Thank you, this summer, you also have told me that through desperation you can still find the lighthouse inside your heart and the immortal green light sparking at the border of the sea and sky.    

1 comment:

  1. Bye! See you! Good bye!
    I'm sorry our time was so short...I could have used another six weeks...and had many more good conversations with you over lunch. It was been a sincere pleasure speaking with you, and I know a heavy burden has been weighing on you for the past few weeks. I hope it is soon lifted and the conversation with your parents goes well. Please stay in touch and let me know where your life takes you. May your adventures continue to thrill you. My always best, Carrie
